What We Take
Recycle Computers, Office Equipment, Home Electronics
We have a NO WASTE, NO WORRY solution to the question “What should I do with my unwanted technology and electronic equipment?”
We serve commercial businesses and organizations, as well as residential homes with pick -up/drop off services and provide certified data destruction documentation.
What We Take
We accept any electronic device that plugs in or uses a battery in any condition; working or non-working; new or old. The list is too extensive to list everything we take, but it includes all home electronics and home appliances and all office and industrial automation equipment. We also accept rechargeable batteries, ink/toner cartridges, wires, chargers and any other peripherals relating to electronic equipment. We can even recycle your metal cabinets and other metal components.
What We Don’t Take
Although we accept most electronic devices, there are a few items that we do not accept due to regulations or lack of viable recycling options.
We DO NOT accept fluorescent light bulbs/tubes; alkaline batteries; mercury thermostats; any device with radioactive symbol; any device that contains biohazard material; any device containing explosive material. Gas or oil powered devices MUST have the liquid removed.
This list is subject to change based on evolving regulations.